
Twisted Horns (Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Horns which twist as they grow (such as a unicorn's horn), but are not branched. They can be straight or curved/curled.

No Pupil (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Hiraexin

Their eyes have no pupil, rather, plain colour all throughout. 

Complete Heterochromia (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Hiraexin

In which both eyes have different colours to each other.

Central Heterochromia (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Hiraexin

Where the inner iris is a different colour from the outer eye

Sectoral Heterochromia (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Hiraexin

Where part of the eye is a different colour to the other. 

Gem Eyes (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Hiraexin (Crystal-born subtype)

Extra Tail Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Celestial-born subtype)

Succulent Tail Growth (Rare)

Category: Tail Growth
Species: Hiraexin (Nature-born subtype)

Comet Trail Tail Growth (Rare)

Category: Tail Growth
Species: Hiraexin (Star-born subtype)
9 results found.