
Insect Wings (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Nature-born subtype)

Can be any type of insect OR wings which resemble insects, but are not directly inspired by any specific species.

Bird Wings (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Nature-born subtype)

Can be any type of bird wings OR wings which are not directly based on any specific species.

Crystalline Wing Membrane (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Crystal-born subtype)

Double Head Wings (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Celestial-born subtype)

Extra Back Wings (Common)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Celestial-born subtype)

Extra Paw Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Celestial-born subtype)

Extra Tail Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Celestial-born subtype)

Floating Wing (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Star-born subtype)

Different Wing Number (Mutation)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin

Less/More wings (head wings are excluded from this and must be present. Extra wings also cannot be on the head)

1 item per wing pair removed/added

Different Wing Types (Mutation)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin

Must still be types allowed by the subspecies

Non-subspecies Wings (Mutation)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin

E.g. Feathered for starborn, draconic for celestialborn, etc.

Corrupted Wings (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Star-born subtype)

Artificial Wings (N/A)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Temporal subtype)

Feathered Draconic Wing (Mutation)

Category: Wings
Species: Hiraexin (Hybrid subtype)

Must be an approximate 50-50 split of feathers, but may be depicted in various ways. Examples include: 

- Feathers on outside, membrane on inside
- Feathers on upper half, membrane on lower half

14 results found.