
Smooth Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Defined as any horns without ridges or branches. Typically curved or curled, but can be straight.

Rough Horns (Uncommon)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Horns with ridghes/bumps, but no branches. They are typically curved or curled (like a ram).

Twisted Horns (Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Horns which twist as they grow (such as a unicorn's horn), but are not branched. They can be straight or curved/curled.

Branched Horns (Legendary)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Although most resemble antlers, these comprise of any horns with multiple 'segments', even if it is only a horn that splits in half.

Abnormal Horn Number (Mutation)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Occasionally a Hiraexin may be born with less or more horns. This can be any numberĀ within reason. Staff reserve the rights to reject a Hiraexin if they are deemed to have an excessive number of horns with little reason.

Different Horn Sets (Mutation)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Some Hiraexin may have two different types of horns. This can be any combination of horns. This may also be seen in Hiraexin with an abnormal number of horns.

Orb-like Horn (Mutation)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin

Transparent horn with magic inside, different depending on the hiraexin subspecies

Metallic Horn/Claws (Mutation)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin (Star-born subtype)

Glass Horns (N/A)

Category: Horns
Species: Hiraexin (Temporal subtype)
9 results found.