
Scrying Stone

Category: Breeding Item


Increases the probability of getting your preferred subspecies by 10% (can only be used if both parents’ subspecies are the same rarity)

Herbal Tea

Category: Breeding Item


Increases the probability of getting a common egg by 20% in breeding

Scroll of Divination

Category: Breeding Item


Increases mutation pass rate by ??%

Focus Gem

Category: Other


Value: 1,000 Novarite

Allows a hiraexin to have one (1) extra form for a total of three (3). Allowed forms are feral, anthro and humanoid.

Anthro and feral form traits must directly. Humanoid traits must match where possible. Mane traits apply to hair instead.

Acts as an MYO! Go through design approval as normal.

<a href=" Ball" class="display-item">Crystal Ball</a>

Crystal Ball

Category: Other


Value: 3,000

Allows the creation of a hybrid hiraexin. You must have the MYO of both subspecies that you wish to hybridise. The crystal ball should be used as an MYO instead of either of the individual subspecies egg's.

This item is also required to breed hybrids.

<a href=" of Transformation" class="display-item">Orb of Transformation</a>

Orb of Transformation

Category: Other

Value: 100

Allows for a hiraexin to be redesigned.

  • The subspecies cannot be changed
  • Traits of the same type can be changed to another of the same rarity or below, but not higher unless an item is used. (e.g. round pupil can be changed for slit pupils, but not shaped. You also cannot change an eye trait for a wing trait).
  • The base theme or colour palette must remain the same or be similar to the original. (I.e. an accent colour that appears only in the eye can be changed, but your mostly blue hiraexin cannot suddenly turn green).
  • The pattern cannot change too much to the point where it is indistinguishable from the original design.

Blessing of Mystery

Category: Blessings of Chaos

A very special item which allows for 1 'illegal' trait to be placed on your Hiraexin. All illegal traits, unless pre-approved, must be vetted by the admin team prior to approval.
This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.

Currently approved 'illegal' traits:

  • N/A

Blessing of Union

Category: Blessings of Chaos

An item which allows for a 3 way hybrid, which is otherwise impossible to achieve (spectral hiraexin with 2 base subspecies does not count).

This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.

Blessing of Change

Category: Blessings of Chaos

An item which allows for specific traited anatomy mutations.

This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.

Anatomy mutations:

Wyvern Mutation:
- characterised by a lack of front legs, with back wings being larger in order to replace front limbs.
- the wing can be any legal wing for that subspecies (except insect, as there is no way to properly turn these into wing-arms). The wing must have a claw (at minimum) or clawed hand on the wing.

Broken Watch

Category: Blessings of Chaos

This is an item which, when used with Temporal MYOs, allow for the creation of 1x special 'Future' subvariant temporal. This temporal subvariant features a cyberpunk theme, as opposed to the normal temporal's steampunk.


This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.

<a href=" Claw" class="display-item">Cursed Claw</a>

Cursed Claw

Category: Event Trait

Allows the addition of 1x Hallowed trait to a Hiraexin

Fractured Clock

Category: Event Trait

A special event item, which allows for the addition of Vhyl-063 Temporal traits.

- Only obtainable once per event.

52 results found.