Blessing of Mystery
Category: Blessings of Chaos
A very special item which allows for 1 'illegal' trait to be placed on your Hiraexin. All illegal traits, unless pre-approved, must be vetted by the admin team prior to approval.
This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.
Currently approved 'illegal' traits:
- N/A
Blessing of Union
Category: Blessings of Chaos
An item which allows for a 3 way hybrid, which is otherwise impossible to achieve (spectral hiraexin with 2 base subspecies does not count).
This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.
Blessing of Change
Category: Blessings of Chaos
An item which allows for specific traited anatomy mutations.
This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.
Anatomy mutations:
Wyvern Mutation:
- characterised by a lack of front legs, with back wings being larger in order to replace front limbs.
- the wing can be any legal wing for that subspecies (except insect, as there is no way to properly turn these into wing-arms). The wing must have a claw (at minimum) or clawed hand on the wing.
Broken Watch
Category: Blessings of Chaos
This is an item which, when used with Temporal MYOs, allow for the creation of 1x special 'Future' subvariant temporal. This temporal subvariant features a cyberpunk theme, as opposed to the normal temporal's steampunk.
This trait item is only available at a very low chance in lootboxes/gachas, and is currently not purchasable.
- All gachas with Chaos blessings will have an additional note attached to the description.