Shattered Gem Fragment
Category: General Trait Item
Value: 300 Novarite
Allows the addition of one (1) Common general trait.
Requires the respective subspecies item to add a Common subspecies trait.
Enchanted Gem Shard
Category: General Trait Item
Value: 800 Novarite
Allows the addition of one (1) Uncommon general trait.
Requires the respective subspecies item to add an Uncommon subspecies trait.
Fractured Gem
Category: General Trait Item
Value: 2,500 Novarite
Allows the addition of one (1) Rare general trait.
Requires the respective subspecies item to add a Rare subspecies trait.
Glimmering Gem
Category: General Trait Item
Value: 6,000 Novarite
Allows the addition of one (1) Legendary general trait.
Requires the respective subspecies item to add a Legendary subspecies trait.
4 results found.