DEITY-005: Chaos
Chaos and Destiny are two sides of a coin. Chaos often throws a wrench in Destiny’s plans, forming metaphorical knots in her webs. Chaos’ appearance is as unexpectedly expected as himself, a mix of every existing subspecies.
He thrives on the unpredictable, sowing seeds of chaos wherever he goes. However, this isn’t always a bad thing. The same claws that caused wars have blessed wanting parents with orphaned hatchlings with features deemed otherwise impossible. (cough three way hybrids cough).
The two floating heads that sometimes makes an appearance with Chaos represent 'Chaotic Good' and 'Chaotic Evil' and take on a 'angel and devil on the shoulder' type role. However, even when these two Aspects of His Domain are not manifested in a physical manner, Chaos himself still embodies all Aspects of chaos - both 'good' and 'evil'.
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